Why NOW is the time

The world, our planet, is a crazy place to live. Every generation and century in history has its own transformation, inventions and people that rise to take a place in history - not all for the good of the collective or for the planet. Extremist and polar opposite views exist, we have lost the ability to discuss important subjects in a way that allows all ‘truth’, knowledge and facts to be debated. We are coerced into taking sides without having all the facts available, only soundbites and it is hard to choose a side because the boundaries between good and bad are blurred, it is impossible to know what is right or wrong

We are at a point where we can change history, if enough of us come together around a common purpose.

That common purpose is to reclaim our intuition.

Living a fully intuitive life allows us to see through the soundbites, to go beyond what we are told and to connect to something deeper so we can choose informed and compassionate decisions that are for our own highest good, our family, the earthly collective and the universe.

I believe that intuition is the communication system with the otherworldly. Our intuition has been conditioned out of us so that we have forgotten how to communicate with the otherworldly.

It is time to reclaim it and reconnect with it.

Over my lifetime I have been trying to make sense of this knowing that I had but never had a good explanation for. No-one around me could explain it. It was a shock to me when I realised how different I was to other people.

Now, I have made sense of it. I have reached a place of understanding that makes sense to me, both intuitively and for my conscious mind (which has taken a lot of coaxing and hand holding and still does).

It is time for all of us to reclaim our intuition but especially women. Over centuries, even millenia, women have had this talent conditioned out of them. Witch trials, inequality, harassment, discrimination, bullying, the list goes on. For a time it seemed the way out of it was to be like a man, to work like a man. As a result we now see a whole generation of women who gave up their innate and natural state for success, or at least success as measured by the patriarchy. This has moved us forward and brought the right to vote and legislation. More is needed.

Now is time to reconnect to our innate state of being intuitive. Of being maternal. Of being compassionate. Of being nurturing. Of being a parent. A teacher. Because when you look at the world, it is exactly those qualities it needs right now.

Being intuitive and reclaiming our intuition is the first part chapter of the story. Once we are on the path to reclaiming it, we become intuitively empowered and that is what we need more of the world. That is how we each change our piece of the world.

If you are ready to find out more or get started, here are some of my resources to help you:

  • “Reclaim Your Intuition: a practical guide to live with intention, be in flow and feel empowered” is my book that guides you through the adventure to reclaim your intuition. Click here to buy the book.

  • Subscribe to the YouTube channel for my weekly Intuition Insight and other vlogs about intuition.

  • Sign up to my weekly newsletter for the latest blogs and vlogs.

  • Connect with me on LinkedIn, Ruth Ann Richards.

  • Get in touch by email: support@theintuitionconnection.com